Celine Mattar

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2020 Digital Marketing Trends

With the speed at which modern technology is evolving, it’s no surprise that everything that relies on it must move at a similarly breakneck pace. Digital marketing is no exception; as we’re rapidly approaching the end of the year, it’s a great time to look ahead at where we’re going and the marketing trends we’re likely to see more of in 2021.

Here are some of the top marketing trends for 2020:

  • Shoppable Posts

  • Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Content Marketing

  • Video Content (Live videos too)

  • Interactive / Visual Content

  • Personalization

  • Google Ads Smart Bidding,

  • Featured Snippets in Google Search

  • Voice Search

  • Integrated Online-Offline Customer Experience, all packaged within a world class customer experience.

While marketing trends come and go, the basics of success remain the same: understand the needs of your audience and communicate with them clearly and consistently.

Now is the time to start planning your 2021 marketing strategy. Make sure you start the new year with a clear set of goals along with a plan to achieve them.