Celine Mattar Celine Mattar

Top 10 Startup Tools & Resources to Grow your Business

Though an online business is faced with a number of unavoidable charges, you can reduce your operating costs through a never-ending selection of tools. If you're building or growing a startup, consider investing in tools that can help you optimize, automate, and enhance every aspect of your business.

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Celine Mattar Celine Mattar

5 Mind Blowing Facts About Startups

Running a successful startup business requires a clear strategic plan with a clear story behind the idea. Here’s a list of 5 mind blowing facts about startups you might have missed.

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Celine Mattar Celine Mattar

Top 9 Home Business Ideas

At a time when social distancing is important, more people than ever are happy to stay at home for work. Here's a list of the best home business ideas that you can start quickly and easily.

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Celine Mattar Celine Mattar

How Startups Drive the Economy

From promoting social change to driving innovation, entrepreneurs are viewed as national assets to be nurtured, motivated, and rewarded to the greatest possible extent. Entrepreneurial endeavors not only produce wealth, but they also create employment and contribute to a developing economy.

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Celine Mattar Celine Mattar

Top 5 Things VCs Evaluate Before Funding Early-Stage Startups

If you’ve ever pondered how early-stage startup valuations are determined by founders, investors, venture capitalists, and seed fund managers, you’re not alone. In this article, we'll go through five investing criteria that investors frequently consider.

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Celine Mattar Celine Mattar

How Business Ideas Are Developed

Have you ever had a brilliant idea come to you only to faze out eventually because you don’t know how to take your startup to the next level? Here is a detailed step-by-step approach to help you develop your concept.

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Celine Mattar Celine Mattar

Top 5 Tips for Working from Home

Whether you are new to working remotely or just looking to level up, here are some tips that can help you stay productive and maintain balance.

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Celine Mattar Celine Mattar

Top 5 Project Management Trends to Watch in 2021

The project management realm is facing a dramatic transformation as a result of emerging technologies and leadership paradigms. Here are some of the most significant project management trends impacting the market, and emerging strategies tailored to adapt to these changes.

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Celine Mattar Celine Mattar

When Do Startups Start Making Money?

A business can be launched in a matter of days. Turning it into a legitimate company, however, takes a long time. But how long does it take to launch a profitable business?

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