Top 5 Tips for Working from Home

Quarantines, lockdowns, and self-imposed isolation have prompted tens of millions of people throughout the world to work from home, speeding up a workplace experiment that had been gaining momentum before COVID-19.

Companies were caught off guard by the rush to provide employees with all of the tools needed to work from home. After everyone had settled in, many organizations noticed that employees could be just as productive when they weren't in the office, in many cases, even more so. Employers across the world came to realize that remote work is a viable option.

Whether you’re new to working remotely or just looking to level up, here are some tips that can help you stay productive and maintain balance:

Keep a Dedicated Office Space: Dedicate a desk or table space and some peripherals that’ll be used only for work. Differentiating between work time and personal time helps your brain know when you're off the clock, contributing to a better work-life balance.

Maintain Regular Hours: Set a timetable and stick to it... for the most part. Many remote workers find that having a clear plan for when to work and when to call it a day helps them maintain work-life balance.

Schedule Breaks: It is important to get your circulation flowing by standing up and moving at least once an hour. Don't compromise on your breaks, especially during your lunch hour or meal break.

Don't Hesitate to Ask for What You Need, Over Communicate: Set the expectation early on that you’ll ask for what you need to complete your tasks comfortably. These items might include the right monitor, keyboard, mouse, software, and so forth. Also, tell everyone who needs to know about your schedule and availability often. Don't assume they will remember; working remotely requires that every team member over communicates.

Socialize with Colleagues: Isolation and disconnect are prevalent concerns in remote work environments, particularly for extroverts. Using channels in a team messaging platform to discuss shared hobbies or organize gatherings helps the team members feel more connected and included. Watch out though, those team messaging apps tend to create distractions too.

Just as you’d better start your day with a routine, whether brewing a cup of coffee before getting started on your to-do list, getting dressed or returning home after a workout, create a habit that also signals the close of the workday.

First and foremost, figure out what works best for you. Sometimes the answer is obvious, other times you may need some help from other remote workers who are in the same boat. Working remotely comes with unique perks. Take advantage of them. You deserve it.


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